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June, 2020
The Concept
An explainer video designed to provide key information to consumers on how the product works.
NuleusCare is a product designed with one thing in mind - to make video conferencing easy for senior citizens. The product is created in such a way that a younger member of their family can set it up almost entirely remotely. With this in mind, NucleusCare approached us to create a video which explained the ordering and set up process.
The Delivery
A visually appealing and clearly presented video, designed and animated to the client’s preference.
The project followed a rigorous structure. First, we agreed on length and key points of the video, then we wrote the script from scratch. After revisions from the client, we found the correct VoiceOver artist for the video and recorded a preliminary version. At the same time we created a storyboard for the client to review and see the general style we were going for. We then animated the video, revised a few points and completed the final audio. The fully realised concept was delivered on time and to budget.